Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year, New Blog Location

Dear Readers and Blog Followers

First of all a Happy New Year to all of you! May 2014 bring us flying cars, light sabers and other geeky stuff (and, well, Java 8 maybe). While we wait for all this exciting stuff, we'll start with some less spectacular nevertheless important new things - a new blog location. Please redirect your RSS feeds to

the New and Official CTP Java blog (hurray!)

where you will also find other articles about things we do at Cambridge - see Bartosz' article about recovering from mistakes in Git. We will be working hard to make our new year resolution (blog more often) come true!

We will leave all our old posts here as some other sites have referrals to it, but new posts will only appear on the new location.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi there!
Nice blog you have with some interesting articles. Keep up it up!

devmain blogspot